Tobacco e-juice is often a smoker's initial introduction to vaping. When many vapers quickly distance themselves from tobacco and dive right into additional taste preferences, a meticulously crafted tobacco e-juice is a return to the classics. However, pinning down that perfect tobacco flavor can be challenging. Badger Hill E-Liquid is a company that strives to make the most realistic, best tasting tobacco e-juice on the market, and they have definitely succeeded with this line.
American Way: American Way uses a blend of 3 classic tobacco styles normally found in the Virginia-Carolina tobacco belt, this tobacco vape juice has a fantastic array of earth, spice, leather, a smooth finish, and a touch of caramel sweetness that lingers on the tongue.
Brown Sugar: Our Brown Sugar consists of our proprietary tobacco blend along with equal parts light and dark brown sugar giving you a deep, rich, tobacco and sweet molasses flavor.
Menthol: Uses our blend of 3 tobacco styles normally found in the Virginia-Carolina tobacco belt, this menthol vape juice has a fantastic array of earth, spice, leather, and a refreshingly cool menthol finish.