The Pushin P's are an extremely potent pod kit option! They boast 90%-95% THC-P which is known to be the most potent cannabinoid on the market. THC-P is strong but takes longer than most cannabinoids to work its way into the endocanabinoid system, so start small and slow with these. Each strain has a unique flavor profile that teeters the line between natural and fruity.
Multi Melonaire: Tastes of summer-fresh watermelon will have you feeling like a million bucks.
Apple Treez: A tree'z worth of crunchy, juicy apples. We're confident you'll be feelin' it.
Blew Berry: Our proprietary blend of blueberry goodness... Minds will blew.
Blazy Sunday: A fire mixture of strawberry, cherry, and a tiny bit of coconut. Yeah, that's lit.
PB Breath: Rich and silky peanut-buttery goodness. Pro tip... Don't lick the pod... It's not a jar.